Total Management of Cancer Since 1969



The primary concern of CPAA is to meet the needs of poor cancer patients who do not have access nor can afford cancer treatment. Since the out-break of the COVID-19 pandemic, CPAA’s efforts to provide support to cancer patients have been impacted considerably. It is a fact that patients who are living with cancer and are undergoing chemotherapy and/ or radical radiotherapy particularly for lung cancer, and patients with blood and bone marrow cancer have very low immune systems and are extremely vulnerable to infections like COVID 19. Gap in active cancer treatment can cause some cancers to obstruct, and some to metastasize. The pandemic poses a high risk for these patients with compromised immunity to deteriorate or succumb to COVID-19.

On an average CPAA assists 6,500 cancer patients annually with medical aid to enable them to complete cancer treatment which they cannot afford. This aid is provided by assisting patients with costs related to chemotherapy drugs or assistance with costs related to surgery and radiotherapy. In addition, patients are also supported with food grains, prosthesis (Breast and Head & Neck) depending on what their need is.

Cost of supporting 1 cancer patient with treatment drugs for a month is Rs. 5,000

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